Tuesday, August 26, 2008

4/6 Home Coming!

There have only be a few occasions where I've solicited Op Love sessions. This is one of them!
Phyllis is my husband's unit's FSRA. She's the sweetest woman you'll ever meet and completely unassuming. My husband joined his unit going on 6 months now and not ONCE have I heard her complain about her husband's 15 month long deployment!!! Oh yeah, have I mentioned that she has two children??? She's amazing and it was just such a huge honor to be apart of the redeployment ceremony!
The plane landing on McChord! (This is a photo of a screen @ the hanger that they were feeding images to.)

Catching a glimpse of dad!

News interview

Phyllis talking to her husband.....they were on their way to the hanger!!!!

Welcome Home!!!!

1 comment:

~Cynthia and Girls~ said...

omgosh, I'm tearing up looking at these pictures!!!

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